Organisational consultancy in dynamic times
Our advice helps you to identify the changes needed in your company and then develop and successfully implement the right interventions.
We work with you to identify the decisive success factors for the changes and develop efficient and effective measures for consistent and targeted implementation.
Our approach is always transparent and tailored to your overall business situation, your strategic orientation and system dynamics.
Since ultimately people with their behavior cause or hinder the necessary changes, we focus our work on careful analysis and successive change of human influencing factors.
We support you in sensitizing your employees to necessary changes and increasing their organizational commitment to the upcoming tasks of renewal.
Our goal is to motivate people to take responsibility for the upcoming change through targeted interventions. We work with a systemic behavior-oriented approach to mobilize change energy from individuals, groups and systems.
We therefore focus the implementation of change processes on the psychosocial and organizational dynamic level.
We strengthen the skills of managers and employees through our consulting work.
They learn to generate the necessary change energy to keep the organization changeable and ready. We accompany this process in a sustainable manner in the form of training, workshops, team and individual consulting as well as project-related communication to promote understanding and cooperation across divisions and hierarchies.
Contact us for a personal consultation on your change project.
We are looking forward to your call!
Tailored to your needs, we offer individual consulting in various contexts:
Support of your management team in case of changes
Inventory – diagnosis of change needs – development of change project design – implementation support through workshops and coaching
Improvement of cooperation between departments and departments
Structured interviews – workshop for conflict diagnosis and development of measures – interdepartmental team building measures – coaching of executives
Change in leadership culture and corporate culture
Culture diagnosis – derivation of measures – implementation support
Development and implementation of a competence management system
Inventory – Workshop for the development of strategic core competences – Development of competence profiles for all areas and levels – Introduction support
Performance of a 180° or 360° leadership feedback
Preparation of managers through workshops – Development of survey parameters Implementation and evaluation – Support of managers in post-processing
Introduction of a systematic employee evaluation/feedback culture
For all functional areas and levels with the involvement of the personnel/works council